00463 in the House!


New member
Time to get busy... :D

Loaded up my first ever batch of 45 Long Colt for the newly acquired Blackhawk; initial testing completed from 20 yards out using a bench/rest. Data is from my Speer manual using Universal powder. 8.9grs seems pretty good but I was shooting too fast on the next cylinder so I'll test those again.


Ended the session using the .45ACP cylinder with my 200gr SWC pet loads, I'm happy

Congrats on the new Blackhawk and on your first 45C reloads. 45C was the reason I got into reloading in the first place and is my favorite to load for.
If you're into psychological gymnastics you might have fun doing this: Every time you load up a box of .45 Colt go online and check the price at one of the reputable dealers (Midway, Brownells, Palmetto State etc.) keep a running tab and congratulate yourself on how much you've saved.

A friend of mine showed me how to do this and another trick---if you're concerned about the price you paid for a firearm is to consider that if you take good care of the gun (and of course you will) the gun will last almost forever. So take the price of the gun, divide it by darn near infinity and you've got the price per year the gun is costing you which is practically nothing. Disclaimer: Close family members of mine have at times disagreed with this rationalization.
I think the Blackhawk I paid 125 for back in 1977 would easily sell in the current market for over 400 and if people are actually getting their asking price on 3-screw .357's maybe a lot more.
So if you hold it long enough you may well see the dollar value increase so the "price per year" might actually be a "payment per year".
Congatulations! 45 Colt is my favorite! Depending on your cylinder throat dimensions, you may find that jacketed bullets are the most accurate.... But if your cylinder throats are in the ideal proportions relative to the barrel, you may discover that no jacketed bullet is better than a good cast bullet.
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@Pathfinder45; yes my first 45 Colt, I was able to score some discontinued 255gr SWC yesterday locally for .10¢ per boolit (750 boolits), will be testing out some of those handloads today hopefully!
