Common Web Terms, Initialisms, and Acronyms

2A - Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

ACLU - American Civil Liberties Union

AF - alternative force; military: Air Force

AFAIK - as far as I know

Anti - Also Anti-gunner. An individual who opposes the RKBA for private citizens

Arfcom -

ASA - Australian Shooting Association

BG - bad guy, or perhaps big grin

BION - believe it or not

BOHICA - bend over here it comes again

BOR - Bill Of Rights

BTT - back to top

BTW - by the way

bump - a reply (usually devoid of content) to a thread to bring it back to the top of the thread listing

CCRKBA - Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

CAS - cowboy action shooting

CHL - concealed handgun license

CLDF - Civil Liberties Defense Foundation

COA - Citizens Of America

COD - cash on delivery

CONDITION ORANGE - Heightened awareness; alert to potential threats.

CONDITION RED - Under attack.

CONDITION WHITE - Unawareness of one's environment.

CONDITION YELLOW - Normal awareness of one's environment.

CPHV - Center to Prevent Handgun Violence (an enemy of the RKBA)

CQB - close quarters battle

CQC - close quarters combat

CRPA - certified royal pain in the a__

DAISNAID - do as I say, not as I do

DFTT - don't feed the troll

DVC - Diligentia Vis Celeritas - Latin for Accuracy, Power, Speed

ETA - edited to add

FFL - federal firearms license

Flame - insults, mud slinging and/or personal attacks. Not permitted on TFL.

FOP - Fraternal Order of Police

FOUP - Firearm Owners Unification Project

FUBAR - fouled up beyond all recognition

FWIW - for what it's worth

FYI - for your info

GG - good guy

GI - government issue

GOA - Gun Owners of America

GTG - good to go

HCI - Handgun Control Incorporated (an enemy of the RKBA)

IDK - I don't know

IDPA - International Defensive Pistol Association

IINM - if I'm not mistaken

IIRC - if I remember/recall correctly

ILA - Also NRA-ILA. Institute for Legislative Action (Div. of the NRA)

IMO - in my opinion

IMHO - in my humble opinion

IMNSHO - in my not so humble opinion

IPSC - International Practical Shooting Confederation

IRL - in real life

IYDMMA - if you don't mind me asking

JMO - just my opinion

JPFO - Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Junior Member - registered TFL member with fewer than 15 posts.

KISS - keep it simple stupid

KYPD - keep your powder dry

LE - law enforcement

LEO - law enforcement officer

LEAA - Law Enforcement Alliance of America

LEA - law enforcement agency

LFI - Lethal Force Institute

LMAO - laughing my a__ off

LOL - laughing out loud

Member - registered TFL member with 15 to 99 posts

MMM - Million Mom March, an anti-gun organization

Molon Labe - Click Here

NIB - New in Box

NOYB - none of your business

NRA - National Rifle Association

NSSF - National Shooting Sports Foundation

OF - old fart

OFIT - old fart in training

OMG - oh my gosh

OTOH - on the other hand

PITA - pain in the a__

POS - piece of s___

PTL&PTA - praise the lord and pass the ammunition

REMF - rear echelon mother f_____; derogatory name for a non-combatant in a combat zone or a military occupational specialty that would keep one from combat duty were hostilities to be engaged

RKBA - right to keep and bear arms

ROTF - rolling on the floor

ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing

ROTFLMAO - rolling on the floor laughing my a__ off

ROTFLOL - rolling on the floor laughing out loud

RPA - royal pain in the a__

RPITA - royal pain in the a__

SAF - Second Amendment Foundation

SAS - Second Amendment Sisters; Special Air Service (British military special operations unit)

SASS - Single Action Shooting Society

SATF - Second Amendment Task Force

Senior Member - registered TFL member with 100 posts or more

SHOT Show - Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show

SHTF - s___ hits the fan

Sic Semper Tyrannis - thus to tyrants forever

SNAFU - situation normal, all fouled up

SOP - standard operating procedure

SSAA - Sporting Shooters Association of Australia

SWAT - special weapons and tactics Also Survival Weapons And Tactics (SWAT Magazine)

TANSTAAFL - there ain't no such thing as a free lunch

TEOTWAWKI - the end of the world as we know it

TFL - The Firing Line (Simply the Finest Firearms Information Site on the Web)

THR - The Highroad (firearms and RKBA site)

TIA - thanks in advance

TLA - three letter acronym

Troll - someone posting with the purpose of inflaming or drawing an emotional response... basically done by jerks with nothing better to do with their spare time.

TRT - Tyranny Response Team

TSHTF - the s___ hits the fan

TTHR - take the high road

TTW - taunting the wookie

URL - uniform resource locator

USAF - United States Air Force

USPSA - United States Practical Shooting Association

WTF - what the f___ (Use of acronyms containing obscenities is discouraged on TFL.)

WTF2 - what the f___ was that for? (Use of acronyms containing obscenities is discouraged on TFL.)

WTFO - what the f___, over (Use of acronyms containing obscenities is discouraged on TFL.)

WTSHTF - when the s___ hits the fan

WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get

YMMV - literally, your mileage may vary. Meaning: individual experience may be different
