Common U.S. Government Initialisms, and Acronyms

AG - Attorney General

ATF - Also BATF or BATFE. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, & Explosives

BATFE - Also ATF or BATF. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, & Explosives (often shortened to BATF or ATF)

BJS - Bureau of Justice Statistics

BLM - Bureau of Land Management

BOP - Federal Bureau of Prisons

CDC - Centers for Disease Control

CIA - Central Intelligence Agency

CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

CMP - Civilian Marksmanship Program (formerly DCM)

COTUS - Constitution of the United States, less often Congress of the United States

DA - Department of the Army

DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

DCM - Dept of Civilian Marksmanship (now defunct as an organization; see CMP)

DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration

DHS - Department of Homeland Security

DIA - Defense Intelligence Agency

DLA - Defense Logistics Agency

DMA - Defense Mapping Agency

DOC - Department of Commerce

DOD - Department of Defense

DOE - Department of Energy

DOI - Department of the Interior

DOJ - Department of Justice

DOL - Department of Labor

DOS - Department of State

DOT - Department of Transportation

EAR - Export Administration Regulations

EO - Executive Order

FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulation

FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation

FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency

FISA - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. A law which provides limitations on U.S. intelligence surveillance activities. Also sometimes used to refer to the court (FISC) which was created by the FISA to oversee requests for surveillance taking place inside the U.S.

FOPA - Firearms Owner Protection Act of 1986. The FOPA relaxed many onerous restrictions imposed by the GCA but included a "poison pill" called the Hughes amendment which closed the registry for machineguns, effectively limiting the number of transferrable machineguns in the U.S. from that point forward.

FS - Forest Service

FTC - Federal Trade Commission

FWS - Fish and Wildlife Service

GAO - General Accounting Office

GCA - Gun Control Act of 1968. The GCA of 1968 implemented the federal licensing requirements for firearms dealers as well as restrictions on shipping/mailing firearms and on interstate transfers of firearms.

HUD - Housing and Urban Development

IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency

ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization

INS - Immigration and Naturalization Service

INTERPOL - International Criminal Police Organization

IRS - Internal Revenue Service

ITAR - International Traffic in Arms Regulations. ITAR restrictions are often counterintuitive, making the international shipment of firearms, firearms parts and even firearms accessories such as scopes a legally risky proposition.

ITC - United States International Trade Commission

JAG - Judge Advocate General

JBT - jack booted thug. Commonly used as a pejorative term referring to federal law enforcement agencies.

JCS - Joint Chiefs of Staff

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NCIS - Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NFA - National Firearms Act (1934). The NFA, among other things implemented the federal requirement for registration of machineguns, silencers, and short barrel long guns.

NHTSA - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

NIJ - National Institute of Justice

NPS - National Park Service

NSA - National Security Agency

OSS - Office of Strategic Services (predecessor to the CIA)

POTUS - President of the United States

SCOTUS - Supreme Court of the United States

SS - Secret Service

TSA - Transportation Security Administration

U.S.C. - United States Code (Federal Law)

USMC - United States Marine Corps

USN - United States Navy

USSS - United States Secret Service

VA - Veterans Administration

WPA - War Powers Act

WTO - World Trade Organization
