Rules of Conduct

Welcome to The Firing Line (TFL), a virtual community dedicated to the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership. You are welcome to come in and visit our ranges and facilities, drop in on our conversations and enjoy our camaraderie. To participate and post messages, you need only provide a name and a valid non-disposable email address; we neither sell nor distribute Member information to third parties. We are not a commercial site.

There are only six rules for participation:

1. All Topics and Posts must be related to firearms, accessories or civil liberties issues.

2. Language or topics that would be inappropriate in the polite company of strangers are quite unwelcome here. If it isn't obvious which words are inappropriate, the forum software is equipped with a language filter to assist you. The filter is not there to prompt you to invent creative ways to defeat it. If the filter doesn't like the original word, then find a better way to say what you want to say and edit your post accordingly. Posts containing words caught by the filter or containing "words" creatively skirting the filter will either be edited or deleted.

3. No spamming, trolling, flaming, invective or other personal attacks, be they acrimonious or veiled in humor. If you take issue with a Member's position, by all means speak your mind. If you have a problem with a Member's religion, national origin, sex, politics, associations, or personal hygiene, then take it to email.

4. Mangling of the English language whether through "text speak," ignorance, age, sloth or intent diminishes and embarrasses each of us, and is disrespectful to the reading membership. Posts which are indecipherable due to inability to translate thoughts into coherent written statements will be deleted without explanation. Recidivists will be removed.

5. Topics and conduct that will not be tolerated:
  1. Multiple registrations
  2. Drive-by cut and paste posting
  3. Cross posting (Posting the same, or substantially the same, thread/topic in multiple forums)
  4. Political Advocacy posts, or any purely political topic. However, some very few exceptions may be made.
  5. Conspiracy threads or posts
  6. Posts or threads on Race, Religion, and Sexuality
  7. The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI), AKA: SHTF or Doomsday threads and Zombie threads
  8. Knowingly and willfully advocating violation of a standing federal or state law (any state)
  9. Violating our Copyrighted Material Policy
  10. Posting any Buy, Sell, or Trade type of post outside of the TFL Gun Show forums. Read the specific rules for the Gun Show before posting there.
6. Many of the individual forums may have special rules found in sticky threads at the top of the forum, please read them - they are as much a part of these rules as the enumerated ones here. As we can never convey a philosophy through a few rules, we reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to edit or delete posts and/or to revoke Membership. No Second Chances; No Arguments; No Trial; No Way. At best you will receive one warning.

Subject to these few constraints, which are intended to foster and protect civility towards each other and maintain focus on our purpose, we hope you'll join us and actively participate in the discussions. Our Members are the reason these Forums exist. We welcome questions, opinions, product reviews, humor and more.

In case you need to review the rules and information on internet privacy you agreed to when you registered, here they are: Registration Agreement

The Staff of The Firing Line

Legal Disclaimer:

We are not formally organized to teach firearms proficiency. Our members and Moderators are a confederation of individuals offering individual opinions only. Opinions can never preclude the mandate to seek professional training in the areas of firearms use, firearms modifications and handloading. Proceed solely at your own risk.

While we make every attempt to edit or delete erroneous posts, the Staff of TFL is not capable of previewing every post. By agreeing to these terms, you also agree that responsibility for any post lies with the individual author. Any consequences that result from acting on the information found herein lie solely with you.
